Friday, February 25, 2011

Paint/Drawing Tutorial 2


  1. It looks like you where on a good track to making this picture from the shape of it, but when the details like hair, and color came it looks like if you slacked off. if i where to grade this id give it a D, because of how much detail this drawing is missing.

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  3. @Art class 304
    I personally don't think this deserves such a handsomely grade it deserve more of a individual grade lower than a F- such as a G-. If I really had to say if there was something wrong it'll be a day or two before I get to the end of the basics so I'll keep it short.
    Firstly, I see that you started and meant good but you just traced the original picture and just put half effort into the whole thing. It looks funny because of the face and hair and looks nothing like Tony Hawk also why did you leave it blank you should've at least put some life into it.

  4. I think you could of made come out looking alot more like tony hawk if you would of actually tried. some things that you did wrong was you did not add any color to any of the drawing and also that you didnt put enough effort into the drawing, next time you should try taking a little more time so it can actually come out loooking good.

  5. I kinda like it but, I also dont like it because you didn't add a lot of detail. It looks like you weren't really triying your hardest it looks like you were in a rush. The only reason I kinda liked it is because it was supposed to look like tony hawk.

  6. I think that you should have put a little more time and effort into this drawing. To be specific, you should have put way more detail and color into this drawing. You should've never left it blank. So to be honest, you just slacked off a bit on the coloring and details in my opinion.

  7. Needs a lot of work. It looks like you only worked on it for 5 minutes. I can't see the resemblance beween your drawing and the original. It also looks like you focused more on the skateboard rather than the face. The nose isn’t even close compared to the real one. The hair is way off. All I can say is, it looks like a completely different person.

    First of all, what you can do is try to draw the nose correctly rather than just putting a > for a nose. The lips are okay for the most part, but you need to add some shading around the mouth area. You also need to work on the hair and the forehead. You made his head look a bit bigger in your drawing.

    Overall, you need to focus more on the face before doing anything else. You shouldn’t even include the skateboard if you can’t even draw the face.

  8. In this picture I see what you tried to accomplish. It looks like you didn’t get to finish. You had a good start on the outline. It looks good, but I don't know what you did with the hair. You made it seem like he has a mushroom head. Other than that the outline of the board is also good.

    Also, another thing that you didn’t make a good shape out of is the nose. You made it seem like he has a cartoon nose. It’s a real person so you can’t be doing that. If it would have had the color it would have looked better also. Also, the outline of his head was a little messed up because his head by his ears looks a little square. Although, you didn’t finish i see were you were going with this so keep up your work and try to finish next time.

  9. I think that your painting needs color on the background and you also need shading and more details on the face.

  10. Jonpaul I think that you did a good job being your first time drawing a picture in Photoshop and I know is kind of difficult. But if we don try new things we are never going to get better on doing things right. But let’s get to the critiquing of your drawing. In my opinion I think you need a lot of things in you drawing. For example you need a lot of color in you drawing and you need shadows you need many things so it could look more realistic and better and more noticeable. What I like about you picture is the letters of the skate board they really look good they look really perfect but I think that they would look better if they had color so they could understand what the skate board has written in the bottom. I think you did and awesome job on the skate board you need a little more details on the person but in all the work that you did you did a good job because it seems that you dedicated a lot of time and you had fun doing it. 
